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Crystals are blocks used to claim and protect a certain amount of area in your worlds. You can buy them from the shop.

Crystals can be wrenched.

Small Crystals can claim 61 blocks of area.

Medium Crystals can claim 221 blocks of area.

Huge Crystals can claim 545 blocks of area.

World Crystals can claim an entire world.


All Crystals can change these properties:

"Allow anyone to build" If you check this then anyone can build and break in the area.

"Enable Mob Spawning" If you check this then mobs will be able to spawn in the area.

"Enable PVP" If you check this then players can hurt other players.

"Reset" Resets the properties of the crystal.

"Ignore empty blocks" Ignores tiles that have no background/blocks/furniture and changes the area to blocks next to each other.

Only World Crystals can change these properties:

"World Name" Lets you change the name of the world so it can be easily searched and not only shown by ID.

Color Meaning

The functionality of crystals isdifferent for each color.

  • Red: somebody else owns ths Crystal and you have no permissions.
  • Green: somebody else owns this Crystal and they let everyone build and break inside it.
  • Yellow: somebody else owns this Crystal and they gave you Trust inside it.
  • Pink: you own this Crystal and you can do whatever you want with it.


The developer Piemen confirmed, that crystals (specifically the hot pink ones) taste like cotton candy. The crystals are canonically, lethally poisonous to consume, even though you cannot consume them in game. Other crystal flavours are unknown.

Kolmat is the first person to speedrun getting a World Crystal.