Crystal Shards

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Crystal Shards are items used for buying items in game from the Shop. It is also the main currency of the game.

Crystal Shards drop more frequently based on rarity and what tool you use. The developer PIEMEN confirmed that drop rates are not linear.

There are 5 different types of Crystal Shards in the game, each one harder to get and worth more the further down you go.

  • This is a blue shard; it is worth 1 shard making it the cheapest one.

Picture of blue shard.

  • This is a green shard; it is worth 5 shards.

Picture of green shard.

  • This is a red shard; it is worth 10 shards.

Picture of red shard.

  • This is a yellow shard; it is worth 25 shards.

Picture of yellow shard.

  • This is a purple shard; it is worth 50 shards making it the most expensive one.

Picture of purple shard.


Before Pre alpha 1.8.0: Magic Update the shard textures were different.